So yesterday(monday) i wake up like i always do at 12 to get ready for school,
and daniel called asking me if i'm going to school, i said yeah.
so i went to school and walk straight to class thinking that there was no assembly like last week.
When i got to class, big-head Nukman ordered everyone to march like soldiers to the gym.
Kamil says: "otak kau mane ada perhimpunan hari ni"
Nukman says: "adalah cikgu nak buat spotcheck rambut".
Kamil had a heart attack, and daniel was already lying on the floor.(of course lah main-main je boobs) so yeah, we went to the gym hoping that this was all a joke.
But, (damn it this is long)
Straight to to the best part, the discipline teacher cut most of the guys hair
including me, daniel, some chinese guys, the taiko(s) HAHA, and the indians.
daniel's hair was the dopest, HAHA sorry daniel :) but seriously his is the dopest